With the recent spiralling of electricity costs the benefits of installing rooftop solar are greater than ever, whether you pay for the installation or we arrange for an investor to pay and you just buy the electricity.
If you choose to have an investor pay for the installation you will still make savings in excess of 33% of your current costs through a Power Purchase Agreement which is a long-term energy supply contract.
The key to getting the best returns is simple, our design engineers calculate what you currently use on a peak basis and then calculate exactly what the best size installation will be using your half hour data or electricity bills.
For public sector, PLCs and established businesses we can provide solar at zero cost, your only commitment is to buy the discounted power to allow the investor to recoup his capital over time.
We have been providing PPAs since 2013 either using our own capital or working with investors who are experienced and offer great terms to their clients.
Recently our PPA rates have been as low as 8p per Kw for established businesses and this offers massive savings without the capital outlay.
The length and terms of the agreement can be tailored in every case and we have in house legal services that can deal with this process.
Solar panels generate free, green electricity during daytime hours that can be used on site, reducing the businesses demand for expensive grid connected power saving 1000s of pounds in electricity bills.
Soventix or the investor deal with all of the costs from assessment to connection.
Solar generation is extremely predictable over the course of a year and allows a business to essentially “forward buy” power for decades.
Solar PV is a reliable and safe investment vehicle that provides returns exceeding those of traditional low risk financial products.
The Grid is struggling to meet the increasing demands of supply, this can lead to restrictions in new power supplies, generating your own power is one solution to this problem.
This government is also introducing mandatory energy audits for businesses through the ESOS scheme which may lead to future energy usage regulation. Installing solar can help mitigate the outcomes of this audit.
Generating your own solar energy will significantly reduce your carbon footprint, increase your company’s sustainable credentials and improve your business reputation. This is becoming increasingly important in Public Sector supply chains as the Government's Green Policies evolve.
Speak to our sales team.
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